Get Better. Get Banjaxed.

Let us be your Salesforce customization solution

How it Works

 1. Schedule a free 1-hour discovery call, where we help you plot out how you want to transform your org in the next year.

2. Together, we identify a 10-hour development or documentation project to complete.

Ex. building the foundation for a report; creating a page layout; investigating a bug or flow issue; or collecting error documentation.

3. Our Salesforce-certified team develops and implements the solution.

Free Discovery Call &
10 Hours of Development

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Whatever your industry,

You're About to Really Love Your

Workflow Growth Efficiency Salesforce

We Want to Make You a Raving Salesforce Fan

As a Ridge-Level Salesforce Consulting Partner, we provide any level of support you need, from a full implementation to individual customization projects to ongoing Salesforce Admin services. If your org is already configured, but isn't working as you hoped, we can handle that too. Schedule a discovery and diagnosis call and we’ll investigate your org, identifying areas of improvement.
After we present our solutions, all you have to do is determine how and when to execute on them. And want to know the best thing?

Our flexible contracts allow you to pick how many hours our teams work per week. You can either establish a services contract, where we perform ongoing maintenance and admin duties, or a by-project contract, where we work together to establish a detailed scope of work, and you pay for development one project at a time.
With your vision and our technical expertise, you’ll unlock the whole value of data-informed decision-making on Salesforce. Get a better view of your business and grow your operation today.


Are you ready to become a raving Salesforce fan?

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